Tuesday, July 17, 2007

An award!!!

Toni, of Special K Family, bestowed this LOVELY award on me!

Thanks Toni! I love reading your blog every day- and when I miss a post (due to me being too busy to turn on the computer.... or you being too busy) I am always so excited the next day!

I would like to share the love with:
Jennifer at Playgroups are No Place for Children
Heather at The Queen of Shake-Shake
Aldara at Catholic Mommyhood
Sara at Suburban Oblivion

These lovely ladies (almost all of whom I have met in person) inspired me to begin my blog and meet lots of new friends along the way.

I also think that Amanda of Play Clothes and Megan of Velveteen Mind NEED this award as I read their blogs daily and we frequently share conversations online. Amanda and her lovely children play with us too.

By the way, Amanda and Aldara I miss your formerly daily posts! Moms always understand about the kids using up all of your time, though.


Jennifer said...

Congrats to you!!! And thank you!

Special K ~Toni said...

You are such a schmoozer! ;)

Aldara said...

Thanks and let me know if my page loads alot quicker now!!!