Saturday, June 30, 2007

Egg Drop Soup and LOVE

My parents are here for a little while, combining visiting with watching out for DV while I recuperate from having a tooth yanked out.

Today my mom made me a "soup of love."

I think we moms do this a lot- make something for our children which tangibly demonstrates our love for them. I know I try to do it for DV.

Here's the recipe: (I didn't actually watch so I'll have to have Mom check it out)

1 can chicken soup (Mom recommends organic, MSG free)
2 eggs
1 clove garlic, chopped
ground ginger
fresh chives, chopped
olive oil

Brown the garlic in olive oil and add with ginger to soup. Bring to a boil. Add eggs in strings to soup. Cook until eggs are not transparent. Remove from heat. Add chives and salt to taste.

How did it taste? Perfect!!!!

Don't forget the LOVE!!!



Aldara said...

sounds yummy! Moms are the best and their soup always tastes wonderful. My mom has always believed that soup will cure everything...and she makes the most awesome soup!
Hope you are feeling better!

Special K ~Toni said...

Yummy! Sounds like a great way to 'dress' up chicken noodle soup! Will have to try it!

I am the same way with my mom and her hot teas. I have passed that onto David(13)- whenever he feels bad he always asks me to make him a pot of tea.
...Cause we like to pretend we are British....